This book is born out of a passion to deepen people’s understanding of the power and importance of placing mindful awareness and compassionate action at the heart of yoga teaching and practice.
While aimed at yoga teachers, yoga therapists and teachers in training the book is equally valuable to anyone keen to learn how practicing yoga mindfully and compassionately transforms it into a place of refuge. Rather than our practice being a space for performance or perfection it offers a safe haven for care and connection, regardless of how we are feeling.
“I highly recommend this accessible book, not only for yoga teachers, but for anyone interested in understanding yoga, themselves, and what a yoga practice can be when it is reconnected to the heart of a living tradition.”
— Donna Farhi, author of Bringing Yoga to Life
In Detail
Weaving Mindfulness and Compassion into Yoga Teaching sits within Singing Dragon’s series of Yoga Teaching Guides. Here Anna Taylor explains the vital and often under-emphasised link between mindfulness, compassion, and yoga teaching. This deeply authentic exploration of mindfulness and compassion will allow yoga teachers to enrich and enhance their practice and the experiences of their clients.
Going beyond just the teaching techniques behind the physical exercises of yoga, this book encourages us to delve much further into a place of self-exploration and self-inquiry. In doing so, yoga professionals can learn how to be truly present with themselves and explore their own needs with gentle curiosity, while creating nurturing spaces for clients to meet themselves and adapt their practice to their individual needs.
Guided by reflection points and practical tips and informed by a person-centred, holistic approach, this book provides an opening to a more intentional yoga practice grounded in the wisdom of compassionate presence.
Available from most major booksellers including Waterstones, Amazon and (which supports independent local book retailers).