Please find below a range of free practices that I offer as gifts. I hope you enjoy using them.
Gentle, Restful Yoga to Refill Your Cup
(40 mins)
This is a gentle practice for days when you need to top yourself up. Take a moment to tune into your breath, gently create some space before being guided into rest.
Press Pause
(8 minute seated meditation)
A short meditation practice to press pause in your day and to reconnect to yourself and your breath with awareness and kindness.
3-step Breathing Space
(8 minutes seated mediation)
A short meditation practice creates space to pause and to find some steadiness and kindness towards what you are feeling.
Breathing support with the Merudanda Mudras
(13 minutes lying down practice)
This short breathing practice introduces you to the Merudanda Mudras. These are really simple hand mudras that look like the 'thumbs up' / 'OK' sign. By placing the hands in this position but then changing the direction of the thumbs they invite the breath into different portions of the lungs. This practice gives you a moment to press pause, lie down and explore how these mudras can support the breath.
Compassion for Self & Others
(14 minute seated meditation)
This short meditation practice provides the space to offer kindness towards yourself and others.
Short mindful body scan practice
(15 minutes - can be taken seated or lying down)
The body scan practice invites us to reconnect with our bodies and our present-moment experience in a mindful way, opening to the sensations that we feel in our body.
Compassionate body scan
(20 minutes - can be taken seated or lying down)
This compassionate practice invites you to pay attention to and offer kindness towards yourself and your body. Inspired by a practice in Sharon Salzberg's book Real Love.